PhD Anton Johannesson

PhD Anton Johannesson
Academic Title PhD
Firstname Anton
Lastname Johannesson
Company/Institution Ortopedteknik AB
Country Sweden


  1. Liners fittings - The Scandinavian way
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  2. Amputation Surgery and Liners - Expectations of fittings with different liner techniques - Which should be used when? (PK5)
    (Course | Chair)
  3. Prosthetic fitting of elderly new amputees with wound healing issues
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  4. Lower Limb Prosthetics - Biomechanics 2
    (Session | Chair)
  5. Outcomes of a Standardized Surgical and Rehabilitation Program in TT Amputation for Peripheral Vascular Disease: a 10-Year Prospective Cohort Study
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  6. Vacuum-formed removable rigid dressing compared with conventional rigid dressing after transtibial amputation
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  7. Ein standardisiertes multidiziplinäres Verfahren in der Versorgung nach Amputation der unteren Extremität
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)