Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Oliver Umbach

Academic Title Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Firstname Oliver
Lastname Umbach
Company/Institution John+Bamberg GmbH & Co. KG
Country Germany


  1. The effect of sensorimotor insoles on the knee adduction moment during walking: a randomised cross-over study
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  2. The effect of sensorimotor insoles on the knee adduction moment during walking - A randomised cross-over study
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  3. Sensorimotor Insoles in Combination with Functional Electrical Stimulation in a Paraspastic Gait – A Case Example
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  4. Analyse von physiologischen Gangparameter bei barfußgehenden Kindern
    (Short Lecture ePoster | Speaker)