Bettina Grage-Roßmann

Firstname Bettina
Lastname Grage-Roßmann
Company/Institution Bundesfachschule für Orthopädie-Technik e.V.
Country Germany


  1. (Healthcare shop of the future | Speaker)
  2. Rumpforthesen
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  3. Maßversorgung vs. Konfektionierung (K12)
    (Course | Chair)
  4. Back pain: Avoid the chronification in work life
    (Symposium | Chair)
  5. Orthoses and their functional principles
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  6. Forum: What is a good fit? What is a good prosthetic/orthotic result?
    (Session | Chair)
  7. Kongress ORTHOPÄDIE + REHA-TECHNIK 2008
    (Congress | Chair)