Daniel Merbold

Firstname Daniel
Lastname Merbold
Company/Institution D Med Tech Consulting
Country Austria


  1. Prosthetics: Knee components
    (Free Paper | Chair)
  2. VarioFit: Development of a transportable method for the guided adjustment of lower limb exoprostheses
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  3. VarioKnie: The first MP joint with variable axis geometry
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  4. Powered AFO: Results of development of a power orthosis for spastic conditions
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  5. Qualitätsstandards in der prothetischen Versorgung nach Unterschenkelamputation
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  6. Flex-Foot® - Stabilität und Komfort auch für niedrige Mobilitätsgrade
    (Workshop | Speaker)