MEng, PhD, CPO Andrea Giovanni Cutti

Academic Title MEng, PhD, CPO
Firstname Andrea Giovanni
Lastname Cutti
Company/Institution INAIL Centro Protesi
Country Italy
Phone +39 0516936601


  1. Competition-specific alignment of sprint prostheses following transfemoral amputation
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  2. Partial hand prostheses in the treatment of occupational accident patients in Italy
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  3. Prosthetics - Functional Benefit
    (Free Paper | Chair)
  4. Can activity monitoring recorded in multi-grip myoelectric hands tell us something about functional performance
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  5. New tools for clinical gait analysis based on wearable sensors
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  6. Thermographic & humidity analysis of the stump-prosthesis interface: application in transtibial amputees
    (ePoster | Speaker)
  7. 3D Gait Kinematic of Transtibial Amputees Walking in Every-day-life Environments: Reliability Study of a Protocol based on Inertial & Magnetic Sensors
    (ePoster | Speaker)
  8. Assessment of Temporal and Loading Symmetries of Transfemoral and Transtibial Amputees during Walking in Daily-living Conditions
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)