Dr. med. Olaf Kraus de Camargo

Academic Title Dr. med.
Firstname Olaf
Lastname Kraus de Camargo
Company/Institution McMaster University, McMaster Childrens Hospital, McMaster Child Health Research Institute
Country Canada
Phone +1-905-521-2100
Email krausdc@mcmaster.ca


  1. Evaluation, determination of needs and control of results in the pediatric rehabilitation treatment following the ICF and "rehaKIND" assessment form
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  2. Interdisziplinäres Arbeiten in der Hilfsmittelversorgung
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  3. Das Modell der ICF am Beispiel des Kindes mit einer infantilen Cerebralparese
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  4. Das Modell der ICF und Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit in der Hilfsmittelversorgung von Kindern mit einer infantilen Cerebralparese (ICP)
    (Specialist Forum | Chair)
  5. The Model of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - Its Importance for Providing Assistive Devices
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  6. Assistive Devices for Children with Cerebral Palsy - How to Get the Whole Picture?
    (Symposium | Chair)