PhD Matthew Wernke

Academic Title PhD
Firstname Matthew
Lastname Wernke
Company/Institution WillowWood
Country United States


  1. Quantifying Performance of a Prosthetic Foot with Frontal Plane Adaptability Using Standardized Mechanical Tests
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  2. Effect of socket fit, cadence and suspension on multiaxial in-socket movement of the residual limb
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  3. Prosthetics - Vacuum Sockets
    (Free Paper | Chair)
  4. Patient-based outcomes surrounding a novel transfemoral socket system
    (Short Lecture ePoster | Speaker)
  5. Analysis of socket fit and suspension using elevated vacuum suspension data
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  6. Methodological assessment of residual limb circulation and skin health in response to elevated vacuum suspension
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)