
This is the first study showing improvements in PROM attributed to CDS orthotics in the majority of joints after a short treatment period with consecutive clinical improvements of individually set goals in children and adolescents with chronic neurological conditions.

Vortragssprache: englisch Vortragsübersetzung: deutsch

Vortrag wiss. Studie/technischer Beitrag
Kontrollierte dynamische Dehnungsorthesen zur Behandlung von Gelenkkontrakturen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

Master of Science Lieske van der Stam
Charité - Universitätsmedizin
Center for Chronical Sick Children (SPZ)
Datum/Zeit: Mi. 11.05.2022 15:00 - 16:15 | Vortrag #1 / 5     Export ICS in Kalender exportieren
Ort: CCO, Saal 4
Zusammenfassung: This is the first study showing improvements in PROM attributed to CDS orthotics in the majority of joints after a short treatment period with consecutive clinical improvements of individually set goals in children and adolescents with chronic neurological conditions.