
The objective of this study is to look at success of osseointegration for patients with peripheral vascular disease in comparison to a traditional socket prosthesis and the rate of occurrence of all subsequent complications after a patient receives osseointegration surgery.

Vortragssprache: englisch Vortragsübersetzung: deutsch

Vortrag wiss. Studie/technischer Beitrag
Osseointegrierte Implantate bei Patienten mit peripherer Gefäßerkrankung.

B.Sc., B.Eng., PhD William Lu
The Osseointegration Group of Australia
Datum/Zeit: Mi. 11.05.2022 10:45 - 12:00 | Vortrag #1 / 6     Export ICS in Kalender exportieren
Ort: CCO, Saal 1
Zusammenfassung: The objective of this study is to look at success of osseointegration for patients with peripheral vascular disease in comparison to a traditional socket prosthesis and the rate of occurrence of all subsequent complications after a patient receives osseointegration surgery.