
The reference values for the selected outcome measures used in the field of lower limb prosthetics have been calculated based on the data collected in the Outcome Registry. They are consistent with the literature data and may be used as a reference especially in the daily clinical routine.

Vortragssprache: englisch Vortragsübersetzung: deutsch

Vortrag wiss. Studie/technischer Beitrag
Referenzwerte ausgewählter selbst gemeldeter und leistungsbasierter Ergebnismessungen bei Oberschenkel- und Unterschenkelamputierten

PhD Pawel Maciejasz
Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
Clinical Research & Services
Datum/Zeit: Mi. 11.05.2022 16:45 - 18:00 | Vortrag #1 / 5     Export ICS in Kalender exportieren
Ort: CCO, Saal 1
Zusammenfassung: The reference values for the selected outcome measures used in the field of lower limb prosthetics have been calculated based on the data collected in the Outcome Registry. They are consistent with the literature data and may be used as a reference especially in the daily clinical routine.