Prof. Dr.-Ing. Malte Bellmann

Academic Title Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Firstname Malte
Lastname Bellmann
Company/Institution Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
Country Germany


  1. Prosthetics: Biomechanics and outcomes in lower limb prosthetics
    (Free Paper | Chair)
  2. Energy consumption measurements with prostheses or orthoses: What is a suitable study design?
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  3. The added clinical value of prosthetic knee joint functions and biomechanical parameters – Is there a correlation?
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  4. Entwicklung der Kraftübertragung zwischen Patient und Prothese - Im Alltag und im Leistungssport
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  5. TAR Conference: Assistive Technologies and Prosthetics
    (Symposium | Chair)
  6. TAR Conference: Prosthetics
    (Symposium | Chair)
  7. Challenging everyday gait situations performed with two microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee joints: Do their safety-potentials differ?
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  8. Prosthetics - Socket Techniques
    (Free Paper | Chair)
  9. What safety potential do currently available microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee joints offer in various everyday situations?
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  10. Biomechanical principles of load transfer in transfemoral sockets during different walking situations
    (Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution | Speaker)
  11. Bilateral prosthetic fitting in the pelvic region: two single-case reports
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  12. Biomechanically functional performance of a novel microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee joint
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  13. Biomechanically functional performance of a new microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee joint
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  14. Hip Disarticulation
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  15. An Alignment Method for Hip Disarticulation and Hemipelvectomy Prostheses: A biomechanical Evaluation
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  16. Biomechanical Aspects of the Helix3D Hip Joint System
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  17. Microprocessor Controlled Prosthetic Knee Joints: Designs and Performances
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)
  18. Flexible Silicon Carbon Socket
    (Congress Lecture | Co-Speaker)
  19. Biomechanical analysis of modern microprocessor controlled knee joint prostheses
    (Congress Lecture | Speaker)