

OTWorld 2022
Presentation language: german Lecture is translated into: english

Free Paper
Prosthetics: Biomechanics and outcomes in lower limb prosthetics

MEng Siu-Teing Ko
Research and Innovation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Malte Bellmann
Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
Research & Development
Date/Time: We. 2022/05/11 10:45 - 12:00     Export ICS export in calendar
Place: CCO, Room 4
  Info Title Lecture Speaker
Presentation language: german Lecture is translated into: english
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
Reduction of phantom pain with a TSR-based surgical technique: Case series with eight patients following lower-limb amputation
Abstract: Die TSR ist eine wertvolle Option für die Behandlung von Phantomschmerzen. Die Patienten erhalten in Kombination mit einer speziellen Prothese wieder ein Gefühl für die Fußsohle an der reinnervierten Stelle. Dadurch ist der Patient in der Lage seinen Fuß authentisch zu spüren.
Gardetto, Alexander
Presentation language: english Lecture is translated into: german
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
A new 3-D biomechanical simulation approach for an evidence-based comfort assessment of prosthetic sockets
Abstract: The study presents an imaging based Finite-Element (FE) analysis to assess the comfort of prosthetic sockets in daily use. A detailed model of the residual limb, with individual muscles and tendons, has been developed to simulate socket-tissue interaction and estimate realistic tissue deformation.
Ranjan, Animesh
Presentation language: english Lecture is translated into: german
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
A Novel Simulation-Based Workflow for the Planning of CFRP Layup in Prosthetic Sockets for the Lower Extremity
Abstract: The present study aims to define a virtual workflow that can be used for the mechanical evaluation, failure analysis and the planning of carbon fiber layup of CFRP prosthetic lower limb sockets to improve structural integrity and reduce material usage.
Yildiz, Armagan Can
Presentation language: german Lecture is translated into: english
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
Energy consumption measurements with prostheses or orthoses: What is a suitable study design?
Abstract: Für Studien zum metabolischen Energieverbrauch im Bereich der Prothetik und Orthetik wird evidenz-basiert ein repetitives randomisiertes cross-over Studiendesign (A-B-B-A) empfohlen, um Gewöhnungseffekte an die Messsituation zu eliminieren und um die Belastbarkeit der Messdaten zu erhöhen.
Bellmann, Malte
Presentation language: english Lecture is translated into: german
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
A toolbox for bi-directional conversions between 3D prosthetic socket stress measurements and its representations in 2D.
Abstract: A method to accurately present intra-socket stress distributions on a 2D map of individual amputees’ residual limbs. The process was completed for a transfemoral amputee and verified through experimental pressure recordings, which were visualised on a specially developed desktop application.
Ko, Siu-Teing