

OTWorld 2022
Presentation language: german Lecture is translated into: english

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Dr. med. Stefan Middeldorf
Schön Klinik Bad Staffelstein
Orthopädische Klinik
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Daniel Heitzmann
Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Heidelberg
Date/Time: We. 2022/05/11 15:00 - 16:15     Export ICS export in calendar
Place: CCO, Room 3
  Info Title Lecture Speaker
Presentation language: german Lecture is translated into: english
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
"HOT" the Heidelberg Obstacle Trail as a combined measuring instrument for assessing the mobility of persons following a leg amputation
Abstract: Die einwandfreie Funktion einer prothetischen Versorgung sollte am Besten in deren Anwendung nachgewiesen werden. In dieser Studie wird ein Protokoll vorgestellt, dass einen umfangreichen Überblick über die Mobilität von Prothesenanwender:innen ermöglicht.
Heitzmann, Daniel
Presentation language: english Lecture is translated into: german
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
Which rehabilitation process for an innovative lower limb prosthesis? A multi-player approach.
Abstract: To overcome current difficulties for LLA to walk on uneven terrain, an innovative knee-ankle-foot medical device was designed. All the actors of the rehabilitation process met and developed a dedicated tool detailing the re-education steps, to optimize the “patient – prosthesis” couple.
Calistri, Laurine
Presentation language: german Lecture is translated into: english
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
Comparison of the decomposed and superimposed electromyogram for analysing muscle fatigue
Abstract: Ziel dieser Studie war das überlagerte Elektromyogramm (ueEMG) und das decompositionierte (dEMG) auf deren Reliabilität und Aussagekraft zu überprüfen. Hierfür vollzogen zehn gesunde männliche Probanden zu drei Testzeitpunkten isometrische Ermüdungsmessungen.
Langer, Sarah
Presentation language: english Lecture is translated into: german
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
Incidence of major leg amputations during COVID-19 pandemic: epidemiological data obtained through reimbursement information system
Abstract: Surgeons reported doubling incidences of major limb amputations during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Based on reimbursement data however no nationwide differences were registered compared to the years before.
Frölke, Jan Paul
Presentation language: english Lecture is translated into: german
Lecture scientific study/P&O contribution
Knee disarticulation in critical ischemia: knowledge gap in Dutch National guideline Amputation and Prosthetics 2020
Abstract: Knee disarticulation is recommended as a potential attractive alternative to above-knee amputation by the Dutch National guideline for patients with critical ischemia. No clinical comparative studies support this statement and surgeons are hesitant for high reamputation rates.
Frölke, Jan Paul