
In this study, we presented a novel vibrating shoe for the purpose of balance control in elderly subjects or patients with reduced foot sensation. The prototype novel shoe was investigated with elderly and young subjects.

OTWorld 2022 Fuß & Schuh
Vortragssprache: englisch Vortragsübersetzung: deutsch

Vortrag wiss. Studie/technischer Beitrag
Verbesserung des Gleichgewichts durch somatosensorische Vibrationen bei Personen mit vermindertem Gefühl im Fußgewölbe

Ph.D. Atefeh Aboutorabi
University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences
Orthotics and Prosthetics
Datum/Zeit: Di. 10.05.2022 11:00 - 12:15 | Vortrag # /      Export ICS in Kalender exportieren
Ort: CCO, Saal 3
Zusammenfassung: In this study, we presented a novel vibrating shoe for the purpose of balance control in elderly subjects or patients with reduced foot sensation. The prototype novel shoe was investigated with elderly and young subjects.